Legal Terms and Conditions Valentine's Day 2024 Sweepstakes
Sandó Restauración & Catering, SL hereinafter Sandó, with registered office at c/Paseo de los Melancólicos nº 77, 28005 Madrid, with CIF B87861985- and owner of the Restaurant La Terraza del Santo Domingo hereinafter La Terraza located at c/San Bernardo nº 1 28013 Madrid organizes on the dates indicated below, a free Sweepstakes with no obligation to purchase (hereinafter "the Sweepstakes") in accordance with the requirements described in these Rules.
The term of participation is from January 29, 2023 to February 7, 2023 at 23:59, both inclusive. Whoever wishes to participate must:
- Be over 18 years old.
- Follow @aldajoyeros.es and @terrazasantodomingo.
- Like the publication of the contest on Instagram.
- Comment on the publication of the contest on IG, mentioning a friend/friend/amigx with your profile. They must be different people each time and must exclude famous profiles. You can comment as many times as you want. The more times the more chances of winning.
- Share the post in stories mentioning both brands.
- Winners will be contacted only from the @laterrazadelsantodomingo profile.
- The scope of the sweepstakes is national and the prize does not include transportation to Madrid.
2 prizes will be awarded to the winner. The prize will consist of a dinner for two people from the 9th to the 18th of February 2024 valued at 112€ and two engraved 9 carat gold wedding rings valued at 173€ each. La Terraza del Santo Domingo located at c/ San Bernardo, 1 - 28013 Madrid.
The draw will take place on February 8, 2024 at the offices of Sandó in Madrid, c/ Paseo de los Melancólicos nº 77, by random drawing of the winner and 2 more as a reserve.
The winner will be mentioned in the same post of the contest on February 8 and will also be told by private message on Instagram only from the official profile of @terrazasantodomingo.
In the event that it is not possible to locate the winner within 2 days by private message on Instagram to accept the prize, or if he/she expressly rejects the prize, for any reason, the first person in reserve will be chosen. Following the same process as with the first winner. If it is not possible to locate the reserve winners, the Sweepstakes will be declared void.
Once the prize is accepted, the winner will receive a message via Instagram with the prize delivery instructions. A voucher with the prize will be sent to the winner.
To redeem the voucher with the prize, prior reservation of the menus at La Terraza del Santo Domingo will be required. The rings will be picked up at the Hotel Santo Domingo, at the same address indicated in La Terraza.
The Law 35/2006 of 28 November on Personal Income Tax and the Royal Decree 439/2007 of 30 March, approving the Regulation of Personal Income Tax will be applicable to the prize of this draw.
The winner authorizes that his/her image and user name on Instagram, be published on the website and social networks of La Terraza, as well as in any of the official communication channels of the brand, without this generating any right in his/her favor to receive any consideration whatsoever.
1. The mere fact of participating in the Sweepstakes implies full acceptance of these Rules and that it respects and complies with the conditions of Instagram.
2. It is expressly stated that Instagram does not sponsor, endorse, or administer, in any way, this Sweepstakes, nor is it associated with it.
Sandó and La Terraza reserve the right to modify the Terms and Conditions of the Sweepstakes, partially or totally at any time. Likewise, they also reserve the right to cancel the Sweepstakes or leave the prize vacant if any irregularity is detected. Once any modification has been made, it will be duly made known to the participants on the La Terraza website, www.laterrazadelsantodomingo.es.
4. Sandó and La Terraza reserve the right to exclude from participation in the Sweepstakes all those participants who, in their opinion, are in breach of any of the conditions of participation included in these Terms and Conditions. The exclusion of a participant, whatever the cause, entails the loss of all rights derived from his/her condition as such.
5. Any abusive or fraudulent use of these Rules will result in the consequent disqualification of the participant in the Sweepstakes.
6. Sandó and La Terraza are exempt from any liability in the event of any error in the data provided by the winners themselves that would prevent their identification.
Responsible: Sandó Restauración & Catering SL, SL, with address for notification purposes in Madrid, 28005, c/ Paseo de los Melancólicos nº 77.
Purpose: The main purpose of the processing of personal data is the maintenance, fulfillment, development and management of this sweepstakes, contact with the winners and publication of their username in the account/profile of La Terraza del Santo Domingo on Instagram as winners of the sweepstakes, as well as the inclusion of their name and image on the website and social networks of La Terraza del Santo Domingo and in any of the official communication channels of the brand, verification of compliance with the conditions to be participant and winner; delivery of the prizes; and compliance, where appropriate, of tax obligations.
Legitimation: We process personal data on the basis of consent to participate in the sweepstakes.
Recipients: No data is transferred to third parties, unless legally required.
Period of conservation of your information: the information will be kept only until the end of the sweepstakes and, where appropriate, delivery of the prize.
Rights: You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, portability and opposition in the terms set forth in the General Data Protection Regulation and the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data. To do so, send an email to datospersonales@restaurantesando.es, or send a letter to Sandó Restauración & Marketing, Madrid, 28005, c/ Paseo de los melancólicos nº 77.
Any complaint about the processing of your data must be submitted to the Spanish Data Protection Agency C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid (www.agpd.es).
These Rules are subject to Spanish law. Any claim related to the Sweepstakes must be sent in writing to Sandó Restauración & Catering SL, to the attention of the Marketing Department, at the following address: Paseo del los Melancólicos nº 77, 28005 Madrid, before thirty (30) days after the deadline for participation in the Sweepstakes. In case of controversy in the application or interpretation of these Rules and in the absence of an amicable agreement, any dispute shall be subject to the courts of the city of Madrid.