Do you want to know Hotel Santo Domingo's Secrets

To know the secrets of the Santo Domingo Hotel

Book your free guided tour at

On November 14th and 15th, Hotel Santo Domingo organices free visits, 4 groups of a maximum of 15 guided. This activity is part of the Madrid Hotel Week initiative organized by the AEHM, with the aim of discovering the wonders that many of the Madrid hotels.

Given the success of last year, the Hotel Santo Domingo will make the visits called "The Secrets of Santo Domingo", there will be a walk through the hotel visiting the Sandó Caves, the Hanging Garden, the Sunset Lookers terrace and some of the rooms and Hotel lounges.

The Sandó Caves: fantastic caves that hide under the Santo Domingo Hotel that belonged to the Spanish Inquisition and dating from the 16th century

Hanging Garden: a vertical garden of more than 1000m2 inspired by the gardens of Babylon

Sunset Lookers Terrace: Located on the top floor of the Santo Domingo Hotel on the pool, which offers wonderful 360º views.

Groups available during Visiting Hours

Thursday November 14th

12.00h -16.00h

Friday, November 15th

12.00h - 16.00h

Hotel Santo Domingo Madrid @HotelSDmadrid
Mercredi, 23 Octobre, 2019 - 20:45

Terrasse 7ème étage Inhala Hotel Garden
San Bernardo,1

Terrasse : ouverte tous les jours à partir de 13h00
Déjeuner : 13.00h à 16.00h
Dîner : 20h00 à 23h00 (dimanche>jeudi)
Dîner : 20h00 à 24h00 (vendredi et samedi)
Les horaires et le nombre de personnes par table peuvent être modifiés en fonction des réglementations sanitaires.
Nouvel espace gastronomique où vous pouvez déjeuner ou dîner sous le ciel de Madrid.